
Description of system capabilities

See the steps to complete the tasks you need


First you need to register, select the type of account (Free or paid), pay (per month or per year), go to the Panel, fill in your Company details

Issue an invoice?

Enter the Panel, Fill in (or check if it exists): Company, Client (counterparty), Service (or several required services), Agreement (Order) and Invoices indicating all the components Generate an invoice, if necessary, click on the Send email button (to the client received a payment by mail on your behalf)

How to use the Wizard?

To use the Wizard, go to the Panel, and click the Wizard button, fill in (Select from an existing one or create new ones) all the requested fields, click on the Get an invoice or Send to client buttons

How to use automatic payments?

Enter the panel, and set up the Agreement (Order) for monthly payments by specifying the frequency of billing

How to use the API?

Log in to the Panel, go to your profile, and copy and generate the API KEY, pass the APIKEY to your developers and a link to the documentation for working with the API

How to use send by e-mail?

Enter the Panel, specify: E-address and from, SMTP settings and authorization, and whether a copy is required (indicating where it will automatically come)

How can I send invoices in bulk??

Enter the Panel, click the PACKAGE button, Upload a file (CSV or Excel) with the specified structure, specify the company, service, and click the Generate PDF or Send Invoices button

How to create your own letter template?

Upload the HTML file in the Company settings in the TPL_EMAIL field, Use %SHORTCUT% from the list for data substitution, and click the View Test button

How can I create my own Invoice template?

Upload the HTML file in the Company settings in the TPL_INVOICE field, Use %SHORTCUT% from the list for data substitution, and click the View Test button

How can I add a missing language to an invoice?

Write to us in the contact form, we will contact you and add the language you need